Tag: new parent(s)

The early days of parenthood – parent perspective

As a parent, I feel like I am in a tribe with all other parents. I love hearing other parent’s experiences because it is important for me to remember that parenting is wonderful but also messy (and that is ok!). […]

Making a Postpartum Plan

Most people who are pregnant are familiar with the idea of writing a birth plan (or more commonly “birth preferences” since truly, it’s hard to plan how labor and birth will unfold!), but too few parents-to-be think about sitting down […]

Co-sleeping explained

Deciding how the baby will sleep or co-sleep Sleep is one of the most talked about and argued about topics for new parents. Where a baby sleeps, how long a baby sleeps, and to sleep train or not to sleep […]

Preparing for birth: how a doula can help

Preparing for birth and the role of a birth doula Women have attended other women’s birth throughout the course of history and across cultures. Women have also supported other women, new mothers, in their recovery from childbirth. In a way, […]

Self care for new parents

Why self care matters Self-care takes on a whole new meaning as a new parent. While caring for your small child, you are simultaneously caring for yourself, and miraculously at that. At times, finding space in the day for self-care […]