Category: Planning

Phoebe’s Postpartum Plan Guide

Use our guide to help you plan for the initial weeks post baby. If you have a birth plan, you should definitely have a postpartum plan. Let us help you get started. Why make a postpartum plan? The first days […]

What is mom guilt?

What causes feelings of guilt and how to let yourself off the hook. Have you noticed that the problems facing mothers in America change with the times? In the 1960s and 1970s, The Feminine Mystique and Betty Fredian’s “problem that has no […]

Finding childcare during Covid

It is no secret that the pandemic has uprooted the schedules and routines of families around the world. The sudden lack of childcare options combined with the need to work from home is putting an especially large burden on women. […]

Tis’ the season to eat healthy & be happy (part 2)

Last week we featured holistic nutritionist and workplace wellness educator Jessica Kishpaugh in the first part of her series on staying sane and healthy-ish during the long holiday season. Jessica shared some great tips on healthy eating and staying mindful […]

Our top tips for returning to work after maternity leave

Returning to work after maternity leave is a huge transition. Coping with a new schedule that includes caring for a baby is an undertaking that is hard to express. Being away from your team and responsibilities and then returning as […]

Tis the Season to Eat Healthy & Be Happy Part 1

The holidays are here!  How will you stay sane and healthy(ish) through it all? For many, holidays were always a magical time as a child. There were presents galore, holiday decorations, cookie baking, vacations, smiles and cheer.  Now, traditions and […]

5 tips to build a mindset for fitness success. Master your mind

When I first started my business, I was completely focused on changing lives by providing resources and designing customized programs. What I soon realized is that the heart of what I do is actually centered on coaching, particularly mindset coaching. Why? […]

3 tips to help children manage stress and anger in a healthy way

Let’s face it, we all have stress, especially nowadays, with the pandemic dividing mankind in sometimes not so positive ways. We can’t help but feel disappointed, anxious, depressed, lonely, lost and out of sorts. Children, just like adults, are also […]

5 returning to work after maternity leave emotions

You’ve been through a lot, mama! Nine months of carrying your baby inside of your belly followed by the birth and the excitement and stress of caring for an infant. Just when you are starting to get the hang of […]

Introducing good enough parenting for you now

Stephanie Sackerman is a mom, a former educator and a mindful mom coach. She blends her background as a certified wellness coach, mindfulness teacher, and positive discipline parent educator to support moms to feel nourished, empowered, and confident. She helps […]